🌟 DRAM & FOOD PAIRING 🌟 Try the following pairing at special featured price at RM58++/each. RSVP here! Categories: Food & Drinks, PromotionsBy admin101June 30, 2022Tags: dram & food pairingdram and food pairingdram and food promotiondram pairingsteakhouse kl food promosteakhouse kl promotionsteakhouse whisky pairingwhisky pairingShare this postShare with FacebookShare with TwitterShare with Google+Share with PinterestShare with LinkedInPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:Parking ON US!NextNext post:Sommelier’s Pick Of The MonthRelated postsA Culinary Love Affair: Dive into Our Exquisite ‘Love Menu’ for Two! 💑🍴February 6, 2024Sommelier’s Pick Of The MonthJune 15, 2023